Steph Curry Discloses His Greatness’s Secret

In a recent interview with WIRED, Golden State Warriors star Steph Curry was asked straight up, “How are you doing this?” It’s a question fans have asked themselves since Curry’s rise to stardom, because while the NBA is filled with incredible talent, there’s something about Curry’s game that’s just different.

“I think there’s a flow state you get to that’s stacked on top of layers, and layers and layers and layers,” Curry answered. “We have talked about the irrational confidence that comes from the work that you put in, the vision of being able to see an output but not obsess over the output, if that makes sense. Ever since I started playing, I love to shoot the basketball, and I can see the arc of the shot, I can feel the flow of the ball.”

Curry expanded on this answer, adding the following:

“The joy that comes in that space—like, you surprise yourself a lot. And you kind of take a log of what that new idea or new move felt like. It’s almost like a computer’s log. And then it becomes muscle memory. And then it becomes confidence. And that confidence comes out when it’s time to perform on the stage. You’re able to block out all the distractions, all the noise, even whoever’s guarding you. There are times you get into that flow state where it does not matter who’s in front of you. You find a solution to the problem. The discipline around that is something I’m super proud of.”

Having confidence in the work he’s put in, and allowing that confidence to take over in the heat of competition, Curry is a special state of mind on the basketball court. While this isn’t easy to replicate for other athletes, it’s the secret to Curry’s greatness.