NBA fans are in astonishment after hearing Steph Curry mention FNCS Global Championship competitors. “There’s no way he’s talking about Fortnite,” they say.

Steph Curry surprised everyone by sending his regards to participants in the Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) and hinted at an upcoming project he has planned for them. The FNCS Global Championship will run from Oct. 13-15.

Curry wished the participants good luck via a post on X.

Fans were taken aback by the basketball icon’s unexpected mention of Fortnite, as it wasn’t something they anticipated from Curry.



Curry’s post was so unexpected that a fan playfully speculated whether someone else might be using his account.

The Fortnite FNCS Championship is scheduled to take place at the Royal Arena, located at Hannemanns Allé 18-20, 2300 København, Denmark.

In the past, the NBA has engaged in partnerships with Fortnite, and the game has showcased basketball-related merchandise in its virtual clothing store.

Steph Curry’s video game
Steph Curry is actually well-acquainted with the world of video games. Aside from gracing the cover of NBA 2K16, Curry has a mobile game called “Chef Curry.” The game’s title is a nod to Curry’s moniker.

In an interview with Bleacher Report in 2017, Curry said he wanted his children to engage in smartphone games that are not only entertaining but also educational.

“We thought it’d be cool for our girls to have a game that their mom and dad was on, something that they could try out,” Curry said.
Given the evident passion for cooking of Ayesha, Curry’s wife, the two decided it would be a wonderful concept to set their video game in a restaurant setting. They partnered with PM Studios to develop their spin on the well-loved restaurant management game genre.

“My wife’s obviously a great cook, and she’s shown her passion for cooking to the world,” Curry said.
Ayesha expressed in a statement her enthusiasm for bringing “Chef Curry” to life, emphasizing the desire to ensure that the game accurately captures the intensity and sense of fulfillment associated with kitchen management.

“Bringing ‘Chef Curry’ to life has been an incredible experience,” Ayesha said. “When we were conceptualizing the game, I wanted to make sure it reflected the challenges, intensity and gratification that goes along with managing a kitchen, whether at your home on Thanksgiving serving friends and family or in a high-paced restaurant serving customers.”
Mike Yum, the CEO of PM Studios, stressed the significance of authenticity when incorporating Steph and Ayesha into the gaming world, explaining that they collaborated closely to craft an immersive environment aligned with their genuine interests.

“The most important part of integrating Steph and Ayesha into our world of gaming is authenticity, so we worked extensively with them to create an immersive world that’s true to their passions,” Yum said
“Chef Curry” is available for download on the App Store and Google Play.