An animated “Good Times” series with Steph Curry serving as executive producer is set to debut on Netflix in 2024

In a nostalgic journey that spans five decades, the beloved 1970s sitcom “Good Times” is gearing up for a grand celebration of its 50th anniversary with a contemporary and animated reboot on Netflix. With the creative genius of Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane and NBA star Stephen Curry at the helm, the series promises a fresh take on the classic sitcom. Here’s everything we know so far about the highly anticipated adult-animated “Good Times” series set to hit screens in 2024.

The Creative Minds Behind the Revival:

The revival of “Good Times” is spearheaded by Carl Jones, who takes on the roles of creator, writer, and producer. Joining him as executive producers are the iconic Seth MacFarlane, known for his work on “Family Guy,” “Ted,” and “American Dad,” and NBA champion Stephen Curry. Norman Lear, the seasoned producer behind the original “Good Times” sitcom, also lends his expertise to the reboot.

The additional five executive producers contributing to the series are Erica Huggins, Jenelle Lindsay, Brent Miller, Erick Peyton, and Jeron Smith. Act III Productions, the animation studio responsible for the development of “Good Times,” adds its touch to bring the series to life.

A Shift in Time:

Unlike its 1970s predecessor, the reimagined “Good Times” will be set in the 2020s, offering a contemporary backdrop for the Evans family’s adventures. The shift in time is expected to bring new perspectives and relevance to the series, allowing it to resonate with today’s audience while maintaining the essence of the original.

Voice Cast and Showrunner:

The animated series boasts an impressive voice cast, with J.B. Smoove, Yvette Nicole Brown, and Jay Pharoah taking the lead roles. Ranada Shepard, known for her work on “Family Affair” and “Lizzie McGuire,” steps in as the showrunner, replacing Carl Jones. The cast and crew are set to navigate today’s world and address contemporary social issues, emphasizing the enduring theme that with the love of family, one can keep their head above water.

Plot and Setting:

“Good Times” will follow the fourth generation of the Evans family residing in apartment 17C of the last remaining housing projects in Chicago. The animated series aims to showcase that, despite the changing times, some challenges remain constant. Life is as tough as ever, but the family’s enduring love proves to be their greatest strength.

Release Date:

As of now, Netflix has not officially announced the release date for “Good Times.” However, expectations are set for a premiere in the summer of 2024. With 10 episodes ordered by Netflix in September 2020, fans can anticipate an immersive and entertaining revival of this groundbreaking series.

The animated reboot of “Good Times” on Netflix promises to bring a classic sitcom into the modern era, blending humor with relevant social commentary. With an all-star cast, experienced producers, and a creative team dedicated to capturing the essence of the original, fans can eagerly await the return of the Evans family as they navigate the challenges of today’s world while reminding viewers of the timeless importance of family love.