Steph Curry’s most recent position: Lindsay Lohan’s kid’s godparent

Golden State Warriors two-time MVP Steph Curry has transcended athletic stardom and joined the ranks of the ultra-elite celebrities. He’s one of the most famous people on the planet, and that’s bound to result in endless celebrity interactions.

Many of those interactions and connections are predictable. Some are a little bit more surprising.

About a month ago, Curry put on a show in an overtime loss to the Atlanta Hawks, dropping a spectacular 60 points. After the game, cameras caught him giving his jersey to, and posing for pictures with actor Lindsay Lohan and her husband Bader Shammas.

Sleuthing eyes may have zoomed in on the picture and seen what Curry wrote: “To Luai” on one number, and “Your godparents love you!” on the other, accompanied by “Warriors!!” and his signature.

Those weren’t just fun words. Steph and his wife Ayesha are, indeed, godparents to Lohan and Shammas’ kid Luai, born in July.

On Monday night, Lohan was on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and explained her close relationship with the Currys, which is linked through acclaimed chef and restaurateur Michael Mina, who opened up International Smoke with Ayesha in San Francisco.

“My husband knows Michael Mina, the chef,” Lohan explained to a gobsmacked Fallon. “And we were in Dubai (where Lohan and Shammas live, and where Mina has a restaurant) and Michael Mina kept saying to Bader, ‘You need to introduce Lindsay and Ayesha, I need them to meet.’ So she happened to be coming to Dubai, and we met, and we just clicked right off the bat.”

Lohan then detailed how she talked with Ayesha about wanting to have kids, and shortly afterwards became pregnant with Luai, her first child.

The relationship has paid off for Ayesha, who ended up playing a role in Irish Wish, the Netflix film that will be released later this month, which Lohan was promoting on her Fallon appearance.

Celebrities: they’re just like us. Except not at all!