Despite Michael Jordan’s “terror,” the 42-year-old NBA veteran continued to cower in fear

Darius Miles’ NBA career ended tragically because of an injury. On the latest episode of Run it Back, he recalls a funny incident involving Michael Jordan. He was invited to a camp and what transpired was like a dream for anyone.

“I played against him my first time playing and uh, you know, everybody was kind of scared to guard him. So I, you know, I stepped up to the plate, I was only like going to be in 10th grade. So I stepped up to the plate like I guard him and he just like, he just, he hit every shot he took. But uh I blocked his shot once I blocked the shot once. But after that game, he switched teams and made me play with him for the rest of the week. And, uh, and that showed that, uh, it, it made me confident because it showed that he respected how hard I played and how competitive I was at high school against him.”