When Bulls star Michael Jordan’s high school coach revealed how friendly he was off the court

Michael Jordan is known for his legendary NBA career with the Chicago Bulls. However, millions of fans always want to understand how Jordan was during his days in college and that’s where Fred Lynch comes in with his comments about the superstar before he became a superstar. Lynch was a high school coach at Laney High School. In addition to his obvious talent, Coach Lynch was struck by Jordan’s laid-back and humorous side.

What Did Lynch Say About Michael Jordan?
Lynch stated to the Post Game in 2015, “Off the court, Michael was, definitely wasn’t quiet and he loved to have a good time, he loved to pick on people but being quiet with not one of the things that he was about. If you’d been around him now, his personality is the same as it was then.”

Lynch claimed that young Jordan would frequently joke around with his teammates and friends, always bringing a lighthearted and enjoyable atmosphere to the group. He also revealed that during those informal exchanges, MJ would playfully and amusingly make fun of people, demonstrating his competitive spirit. Although it has been decades since Lynch last spent time with the six-time NBA champion, he is confident that others in MJ’s inner circle would agree.

MJ Was Always Humble, Says Coach Lynch
Lynch also observed that Jordan maintained his humility off the court throughout, in contrast to other talented players. Coach Lynch believes that Mike’s exceptional upbringing by his parents contributed to his eventual development as a modest and grounded person.

Lynch could see that Jordan’s parents taught him the importance of perseverance, humility, and respect for others, rather than allowing his early success to get to his head.