Mom Sonya said that Steph Curry had to deal with expectations and his father’s accusations of “paying the refs,” unlike Shaquille O’Neal.

We all know the childhood stories and the journey of some of the top names in the NBA, like the back of our hands. And Stephen Curry certainly ranks at the very top. Having an NBA player for a Dad, one would think it would be smooth sailing for young Curry. However, it was anything but. Another name that has made its way around the world for being unique as they come was none other than one of the most dominant centers in the league ever, Shaquille O’Neal.

And who better equipped to reveal all those behind-the-scenes stories than the mothers? Sonya Curry and Lucille O’Neal are two of the well-known basketball matriarchs in the NBA world. And their new show, Raising Fame is one everybody is eagerly awaiting.

Prior to that though, the pair decided to join Sway Calloway of Sway’s Universe to give a short glimpse into what we can expect to hear during the course of the show set to premier on Sunday. And one of the former rapper’s questions was about the insecurities or complexes that Curry and O’Neal had in their younger days. While it sounds impossible now to think of even such a thing, we all know those two legends had to face that and more.

Let’s hear it from Mama Curry herself. “He was ridiculed a lot,” Sonya admitted, somewhat emotionally, no doubt suddenly being transported to her firstborn’s high school days. “[For] being tiny but also you know ‘your daddy’s money,’ ‘your Daddy’s buying you these wins in high school,’ and things like that.”

Not sure he heard right, Sway asked incredulously, “They thought that Dell was buying referees?” Sonya replied in the affirmative, “Yes, paying the refs.”