Sharing Birthday With Michael Jordan Led to David Goggins Getting Inspired By the Bulls Legend

Retired United States Navy SEAL David Goggins is revered for his work as an endurance athlete and motivational speaker. His athletic achievements have earned him a spot in the International Sports Hall of Fame. While fans and athletes draw motivation from Goggins, the internet superstar shaped his mindset by studying Michael Jordan, with whom he shares his birthday.

On the Warrior State of Mind podcast, he revealed that the Bulls superstar’s work ethic combined with his incredible mentality served as fuel for him to deal with difficult situations. He noted that Jordan paired his talent with relentless training and impeccable self-belief to become one of, if not the greatest player ever.

Goggins claimed he wasn’t as talented as Jordan but still drew inspiration from the six-time NBA champion. He said,

“You’re going back to Michael Jordan, we’re both February 17… Courage, character, commitment, discipline. These are things that every human being can work on their own, you don’t need talent, you need discipline. I said I have that so I started gravitating more towards the everybody person that went way beyond.”
Goggin added that talent alone isn’t enough and without an obsessive mindset like Jordan, it’s impossible to enjoy as much success as him.

Michael Jordan was a tireless worker
The Bulls icon’s rivals as well as his teammates were impressed by his work ethic. He always carried an extra edge in practice, treating them even more seriously than the actual games. This habit peaked when Jordan entered the NBA at the age of 22.

Eugene Banks, who spent two years as his teammate, revealed that the veteran players on the team would rough up the young guard during practices. But he took these hits without complaining and humiliated his teammates with his impeccable skills. During an appearance on Earfluence podcast in 2020, Banks stated,

“He loved to practice, he came at you in practice. We took him out, we physically beat the hell out of him and he took it.”
Jordan’s mental toughness helped him forge a career that ranks among the best in NBA history. His mindset and work ethic took a life of its own and became the blueprint for players like Kobe Bryant and sportsmen like Goggins.