A little Stephen Curry fan bursts into tears when the NBA star signs a jersey

Steph Curry recently took a moment to sign Rodney Small’s jersey, and the boy couldn’t have been happier.

“There you go,” said NBA point guard Steph Curry when he wrote his signature on the back of a young boy’s jersey after the Warrior’s game in Houston on April 4.

Rodney, who looks about ten years old, turned to the camera with a huge smile as his dad, Darryl Small, told him to thank the basketball player.

He quickly turned around and said, “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome,” Curry said as he handed the marker back to him.

The young fan gasped excitedly, covering his mouth with his hand as the star walked away.

Per USA Today, Darryl expressed his gratitude for the gesture on Instagram. He called the NBA star “a real stand up guy.”

A couple of years ago, Curry made another young fan’s day.

“I’m sorry about Monday, but we made it up, right?” Curry said on the court as he approached a young fan.

They bumped fists, and the boy uttered, “Oh my goodness,” repeatedly as he cried happy tears.

Curry gave him an autograph and departed after many thank yous and a big smile from the young boy.

In 2022, the dad of three (with one on the way) released a children’s book called “I Have a Superpower.”

Movieguide® reported:

“This is our [Unanimous Media, Curry’s multimedia company] first project out and [we want] to hopefully reach the next generation of kids that are dreaming big, are going to be the next leaders and game changers,” Curry shared. “We want them to be able to set their sights on what they want to accomplish in the world and really believe that it’s possible.”

“You kind of have your kids in mind when you’re talking about a book, and then you realize that this is kind of a universal opportunity to reach the next generation,” he explained.

When asked what he hopes kids get out of reading “I Have a Superpower,” Curry replied, “We’re all unique and we all have something to offer the world. And if you have a work ethic, if you have a belief and you feel like whatever that requires is already inside of you, then good things will happen.”

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