Even as a young child, Vince Carter saw Steph Curry’s potential: “You could see the potential and the drive and the love of the game”

Hall of Famer Vince Carter will always have a special place in his heart for the Toronto Raptors. It was the team he spent his first seven NBA seasons in, giving his all to elevate the franchise to elite status. While the farthest the Raptors got was the Eastern Conference semifinals in 2001, “Vinsanity” undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the organization and its fans.

But it’s not just what he accomplished with the Raptors that stands out in Carter’s mind when discussing that time of his life. In an interview on “The Reel,” Carter reminisced about the moments he shared with another current NBA superstar, Steph Curry.

Raring to compete against “Half-Man, Half-Amazing”
The eight-time All-Star spent three seasons playing with Steph’s father, Dell Curry. During that time, Steph, a teenager, was a ubiquitous presence. When he wasn’t inside the locker room, he was on the hard court, working on his game. During those times, he’d also eagerly challenge the North Carolina product to one-on-one games.

“I would get my workout done. Steph was already on the court, asking, ‘You ready? You ready?’ And I’m like, ‘Calm down, calm down. Let me get my workout in,’” Vince shared.

Think about it: Steph taking on a legitimate NBA star at such a young age? It’s hard to imagine, but it happened back then. And Vince knew that Steph had something special even before he became the two-time MVP.

“Then we would play, and I would make sure I dominate him because you could see the potential and the drive and the love of the game he had,” the two-time All-NBA team member added.

The best competition
Vince added that Steph knew what he was getting himself into in those one-on-one games against him. But he didn’t mind the obvious height and talent advantage the high-leaping Carter had. He wanted to compete and test his skills against someone he knew was a bona fide NBA superstar.

“He got the best competition—this was young Vince, in my prime. He’s playing and seeing that every day,” Vince remarked.

From a youngster trying his luck against the best player the Raptors had at that time, Steph eventually went on to elevate his game and became one of the greatest players in NBA history. A four-time NBA champion and a two-time MVP, “Chef Curry” has etched his name in the record books with his incredible scoring ability and unmatched shooting range.

VC stressed that none of what Steph has achieved surprises him, as he remembers how driven he was to achieve greatness even at such a young age.

“It didn’t surprise me. He had the want to; he always wanted to get out there, compete, play, and go through that process,” Air Canada quipped.

The best three-point shooter of all time may have had the benefit of having an NBA veteran for a father, but it was his determination and work ethic that propelled him to great heights. He constantly worked on his craft, honing his skills and pushing himself to be better every day. This dedication has led to Curry being one of the most beloved players in the league today.