Having Paid Sonya $100 For Every Turnover, Stephen Curry’s 500 Shots/Day Workout Reflects Mother’s Perfectionism

Stephen Curry is one of the top players in the world and has reached this level thanks to his hard work and dedication. A perfectionist, Curry settles for nothing but the best. A quality he inherited from his mother Sonya Curry, who strived to make sure her children always did things the right way. In fact, she notoriously charged Steph $100 every time he gave up a turnover. A testament to her dedication to not letting her kids make too many errors. Well, this same level of dedication can be seen in Steph. As a Twitter page reminded the world, Chef Cury was once quoted stating that he makes 500 shots a day.

500 made shots a day is no joke, and it is these workouts that make Curry great. This relentless shooting practice is what has helped him become the greatest shooter of all time. And, assuming he continues these workouts, it is unlikely anyone will take that title from him anytime soon.

Stephen Curry only counts made shots when he works out, making around 500 shots a day
There can be no denying that Stephen Curry is the greatest shooter the world has ever seen. His ability to knock down three-pointer after three-pointer is something to marvel at. However, he would have never been able to sink them if it weren’t for hard work and dedication.

It took a lot of time for the Baby-Faced Assassin to hone his incredible shooting skills. In other words, he had a lot of long sessions at the gym working out and honing his craft. In fact, he once revealed he only counts the shots he makes when he’s working out.

Steph was quoted stating that made shots are all he counts when he’s at the gym. And, in the summer he makes at least 500 shots in a workout but limits himself during the regular season, only making 200-350 in a session. A true perfectionist, dedicated to being the best in the world.

He clearly got this obsession with perfection from his mother Sonya Curry. Much like her son who is clearly tough on himself when it comes to shooting, Sonya did everything she could to make sure her son had great ball security. How does she do this? Well, she fines Steph $100 for every turnover he gives up. An incredibly effective repercussion.

Stephen Curry’s incredible workouts have definitely contributed to his legacy as an NBA superstar. He has numerous shooting achievements, that are unlikely to be broken anytime soon. In fact, his greatest achievement among a host of others is the fact that he has the most three-pointers made of all time.

He truly is an incredible player and is even the only player in NBA history to have made a whopping 3000 three-pointers.

At the age of 35, Steph still has a long way to go before retirement. So, it’s safe to say there is still plenty of time for him to create even more history with his amazing shooting ability.