Is a Palestine flag wrapped around Jason Statham’s car? See the Video

Several prominent Hollywood stars, such as Angelina Jolie, Joaquin Phoenix, and Susan Sarandon, have recently called for a ceasefire in Gaza and expressed strong criticism of Israeli military actions against displaced Palestinians.

Their vocal condemnation of Israel aligns them with politicians and activists, despite potential professional and personal consequences for taking such a bold stance.

In the midst of this criticism from the entertainment industry, a video clip surfaced online, purportedly showing a man believed to be the Hollywood actor Jason Statham.

In the video, he is seen adorning his SUV with a Palestinian flag. This video quickly went viral on social media, with many people applauding the actor known for his roles in spy-themed films for taking a public stance in support of Palestine.

A man who bore a resemblance to Statham can be observed in the video opening the hood of a black vehicle to attach a Palestinian flag, and the side mirrors of the truck were also covered with Palestinian keffiyeh.

The video has been widely circulated, but the true identity of the person in it has not been officially verified.

In actuality, the individual featured in the video is not Jason Statham; rather, he bears a striking resemblance to the famous actor from “The Expendables.”

Despite the video going viral, Jason Statham has not publicly expressed his opinion on the ongoing Israeli-Gaza conflict.

With the Israel-Gaza conflict drawing significant attention, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have conducted airstrikes in the region, resulting in the tragic loss of over 9,700 lives and leaving thousands more injured.

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