Michael Jordan’s Magnificence is Displayed on Shaquille O’Neal’s Social Media

Most basketball fans are familiar with Michael Jordan’s legendary performances and breathtaking skills throughout his NBA career. Recently, The Big Aristotle, who had the rare opportunity to compete against Jordan at his peak, shared his admiration for MJ on social media.

The post states MJ had more 30 PPG/50%FG seasons than Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry, James Harden, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, and LeBron James combined. Hence reiterating that Jordan was the greatest player of all time.

The new age fans and analysts often try to bring down the Chicago Bulls legend and his legacy. Often stating that MJ did not go up against the elite players that are pouring into the league right now.

However, Jordan played in one of the most physically dominant eras of basketball. Not only did he excel during that time, but did so with absolute grace. His 30-points-per-game average had been consistent for numerous years. And to shoot 50% or above from the field over the years is something that barely any player has been able to duplicate ever since.

Jordan’s game often gets highlighted over his dunks and athleticism. But it was so much more than that. The six-time NBA champion was an absolute savant as soon as he stepped into the three-point line.

From shooting fadeaways to floaters and double-clutch layups, MJ was the complete package. His athleticism certainly played a big role in his success but the talent Jordan was gifted with cannot be denied. So much so that even Shaq, who is regarded as the most dominant center in NBA history, is still honoring Michael.

The time when Shaq realized Jordan was who they said he was
Shaq made his NBA debut just as Michael Jordan was rising to fame. Having won a few championships already, it may have taken Shaq a while to accept it but eventually, even he had to bow down to MJ’s greatness.

As per basketballnetwork.net, Shaq narrated the time when Jordan tried to posterize him and he had to flagrantly foul him to prevent that from happening.

“But ‘His Airness’, Michael Jordan, came baseline one time and tried to dunk on me. And it hurt my heart, but I had to flagrant foul him and lay him out. And when I went to shake his hand and pick him up, he said ‘Don’t ever help nobody up’ and he bounced right back up. And I knew then why he was the best player in the game.”

Despite getting decked down by Shaq, MJ’s demeanor and the advice he gave along with it was the time when O’Neal had to buy into the consensus. That too after experiencing it himself.