“Sorry NBA, but that’s golf”: Mother Sonya Unveils Stephen Curry’s Current “Dream”

The mothers of Shaquille O’Neal and Stephen Curry, Lucille O’Neal, and Sonya Curry, are working on a new show together, ‘Raising Fame’. To promote this project, the two recently made an appearance on Sway’s Universe, where the topic of their sons inevitably came up. During this time, Sonya was asked what her boy was up to at the moment. Suffice it to say, her golf-oriented answer may have Steph blushing in embarrassment.

Curry, the Golden State Warriors superstar, has always been a big fan of golf. So, it really isn’t much of a surprise that he would be looking to spend more time on the sport during the NBA offseason.

However, just how much commitment he has toward this hobby of his was put into perspective by Sonya. And as she revealed, Steph will not like her answer all too much.

“Right now, Stephen [Curry] is dreaming about, ‘Sorry NBA, but that’s golf!’. He’d gon say, ‘Mom! [in an exasperated tone] Don’t give her the mic!’”

To be fair to Sonya, her son’s love for golf is the furthest thing from a secret. After all, the Golden State Warriors star once even admitted to NBA.com that the sport just meant something special to him.

“In both sports [basketball and golf], when you find that flow, to be able to stay in that space for as long as you can and enjoy it, there’s no better feeling in either sport… It’s something about this game [golf]. I don’t know how to explain it, but it brings a lot out of you.

Given just how much time and energy Curry gives to basketball right before and during the NBA season, it’s hard to blame him for wanting to do other things in the offseason. However, he is getting good enough at golf now, to the point where many wonder if he will become a professional once he retires from basketball.

It may seem a little unlikely at first, but this is Stephen Curry we’re talking about. Absolutely anything is possible with him.