Steph Curry Discusses the Warriors-Kings Rivalry Openly

Not too long ago, Steph Curry didn’t consider the Sacramento Kings a rival. To be honest, only one playoff series shouldn’t determine a team as one. Regardless, every game between the two teams is massively entertaining, and Curry knows that.

After the Warriors defeated the San Antonio Spurs on Friday night, he was asked about his upcoming opponent on Tuesday – the Sacramento Kings. The media asked what it would take to turn the Sacramento Kings into a rivalry series for the Golden State Warriors, and Curry gave a very cheeky answer.

“I’m gonna have to check with the committee that defines what rivalry actually means,” Curry joked. “I love the narrative around the back-and-forth we’ve played them so many times over the last couple of years. Whatever you call it, it’s fun basketball, it’s entertaining. You have to play well to beat them just because of what they do. Obviously, a seven-game series helps, but, we know what to expect when we go up there. It’s cool that there is an extra little emphasis on the In-Season Tournament outcome of this group, fitting that it is against them.”

As Steph Curry said, it’s incredibly fitting that the Sacramento Kings determine whether or not the Golden State Warriors qualify for the second round of the In-Season Tournament. It seems like basketball gods want the Golden State Warriors and Sacramento Kings to be a rivalry, and this little layer will add an extra chapter.