Steph Curry Elaborates on his Fearlessness Towards Failure

Throughout his career, Steph Curry of the Golden State Warriors has experienced a ton of success.

He has won four championship rings, two MVPs, two scoring champ titles, and a slew of other trophies and accolades.

But he has also experienced some disappointment and failure.

Yet, he isn’t scared by the possibility of failing.

According to a video shared by TheWarriorsTalk, Curry said that he is “not results-oriented” and also not afraid to give 100% of himself to something, no matter if he ultimately wins or loses.

“I’m not afraid to take the big shots, I’m not afraid to play in the big moments. I deserve the confidence based on the work that I put in,” Curry said.

Curry’s philosophy is that he is going to put in the work and try his hardest every single time, regardless of the results.

This is a strong, winning mindset and it’s one that ensures he is never going to give up.

When Curry is on the floor, he sometimes makes his excellence look easy.

There are many times when he takes a shot that seems impossible but somehow finds its way to the basket.

Some people think that’s luck, but it’s actually Curry devoting his life to the game, getting better, and continually pushing himself.

He puts in the work and, because of that, believes in himself.

That can make all the difference.

There have been times when Curry has fallen short of his goals.

Just last season, his Warriors weren’t able to make the Finals and got pushed out of the playoffs in the second round.

But after every disappointment, Curry shakes it off and comes back strong.

This is an athlete who believes in himself and what he’s capable of.