Steve Kerr believes Chris Paul’s arrival will show a renewed Golden State Warriors team

ne would think that Chris Paul’s arrival to the Golden State Warriors wasn’t needed because they already had Stephen Curry as their in-house point guard. But coach Steve Kerr has a different outlook about this, he is convinced that Paul will offer a very different type of depth to the squad. If you take a closer look at the new arrival’s style of play, you will see he is not exactly the same kind of point guard Stephen Curry is. What Chrs Paul will bring to the Warriors is quite different from what Curry has to offer on a daily basis. The coach actually thinks both players can compliment each other perfectly, but we won’t know that until we actually watch them play together. Chances are the two of them will cook during games and fans will be overjoyed by what they see.

Talking to The Athletic after the trade, this is what Steve Kerr said: “We’re going to be a lot different. The last thing I’m going to do is say anything about a team that just won a championship a year ago and then fought through a difficult season. Made a helluva run at the end of this year. I’ve loved this group that we’ve had the last couple years. But the biggest point is that we sensed we needed a shift. Didn’t mean we needed an overhaul, but we needed a shift of some sort. I think everybody in the organisation sensed that. And it feels like we’ve made a pretty significant shift without giving up our identity and our sense of who we are as a team. I think, all in all, it’s a very positive shift.”

Chris Paul already spoke to Stephen Curry
Chris Paul has already been making the rounds in podcasts and interviews, he expressed how excited he feels for coming the the Warriors. But in his voice, you can sense some level of stoicism from a player who has attempted to win a championship for many years with no success. Also, the Phoenix Suns decided to trade him without even communicating anything to him in person. He had to find out from the media, that must’ve hurt. Paul already said he spoke to Stephen Curry and he can’t wait to start training alongside him for the new season. Watching these two legendary point guards play together promises to be a sight to behold.