Steve Kerr Gets Very Honest About Warriors’ Struggles

Last season’s Warriors squad was one of the most disappointing teams in franchise history. They were an NBA Championship team that had a historically bad road record and looked beyond frustrating at times. Warriors head coach Steve Kerr takes a huge portion of the blame for those struggles.

In an interview with Shayna Rubin of the Mercury News, Steve Kerr gave an incredibly candid answer about the Warriors’ struggles last season.

“I will say that I feel like I failed last year in connecting the group,” Kerr said. “I have taken a lot of time this summer to think about last year, things I could have and should have done differently. I really believe that sometimes losing sort of forces you to reassess and reevaluate and I’m excited about coming back next year with a renewed focus and energy and spirit from the entire group. And that starts with me and I can’t wait.”

It’s very interesting to hear Steve Kerr take that much responsibility for the Warriors’ failures last season. To say that he didn’t help connect them seems to strongly hint that there were chemistry issues last season that were never addressed.

The Golden State Warriors will be the biggest X-Factor team to watch in the NBA next season. A team with brand new players, brand new chemistry, and a former All-Star in Chris Paul that doesn’t have the quintessential fit of the team offense.