The 10 Biggest Questions a Jason Statham Sequel Could Address About The Beekeeper

The Beekeeper introduces a fascinating new world and clandestine mythology, leaving several major unanswered questions for a sequel. The 2024 action movie from director David Ayer and star Jason Statham has all the makings of a potential franchise starter. From favorable reviews to a strong box office performance, The Beekeeper is an old-fashioned action film that only scratches the surface of the world Adam Clay and the Beekeepers exist in. The primary focus of being an entertaining action movie means that by the time The Beekeeper’s ending comes to a close, there are still major questions left unanswered.

The only way any of these mysteries will be solved is if The Beekeeper 2 is announced and continues Jason Statham’s time as the action hero. There have already been several optimistic teases from those involved that a sequel could happen. The possibility that David Ayer and Jason Statham will reunite means that The Beekeeper 2 is where the franchise can begin expanding and exploring the parts of the mythology that the first film did not have time to get into. In doing so, The Beekeeper’s sequel could become much bigger and more fulfilling for viewers engaged in this universe.

10 Where Did Adam Clay Go In The Beekeeper’s Ending?
He is last seen going into the ocean

One subtle unanswered question left by The Beekeeper’s ending is where Adam Clay is going now. After killing Derek (Josh Hutcherson) and escaping from the Danforth residence safely, he is last seen putting on diving equipment and disappearing into the ocean. Since he has seemingly accomplished his goal in the film, it is unclear where he goes after The Beekeeper’s credits finish. The Beekeeper 2 would surely answer what happens next for Adam Clay, showing him as he’s established a new life for himself somewhere off the grid or going after a new target.

9 Why Did Adam Clay Retire From The Beekeepers?
He’s still very good at the job

A bigger mystery that The Beekeeper does not answer is why Adam Clay retired in the first place. The movie is based around the idea that he is getting back into the clandestine world of the Beekeepers. He is clearly still very skilled and feared in this world, but the movie never explains why he stepped away from this lifestyle to begin with. The Beekeeper 2 would be the perfect place to shed more light on Adam Clay’s backstory. It would be worth exploring if he was forced to retire or what circumstances would lead him to do so willingly.

8 Are There Any Other Active Beekeeper Agents?
Adam killed the only other one in the movie

One potentially important unanswered question in The Beekeeper is whether there are any other Beekeeper agents left in the world. The organization sends Adam Clay’s replacement after him at one point, only for him to kill her and leave the Beekeepers to stay out of the current situation. This makes it unclear if there are other active Beekeepers who also could have been sent to go after Clay. It would seem unlikely that the clandestine group only has one active agent at a time, so The Beekeeper 2 can answer exactly how many of them are out in the world.

7 Who Is In Charge Of The Beekeepers?
The organization must have a leader

The Beekeeper only hints at the larger power players in this world and fails to explain who is in charge of the Beekeeper organization. The movie shows a few operators who work for the organization and some people in power who have some influence with the group. However, the leader of the clandestine operation is never revealed. The Beekeeper 2 would likely need to introduce the head of the Beekeepers after what Adam has done. Doing so is also an easy way to add another major star and a character with a strong history with Adam to the series.

6 Will The Beekeepers Retaliate & Target Adam Clay Now?
He could be seen as a threat now

The likelihood that The Beekeeper 2 would have a larger presence by the Beekeeper organization means it could answer the question regarding how they react to Adam Clay’s most recent activities. Although the group elects to stay out of the situation after he kills the female Beekeeper agent, that is not an indication that they will not be impacted by his actions. A former agent of theirs killing the President’s son and making the organization more widely known could mean the Beekeepers will turn on one of their own next.

5 What Is Adam Clay’s Real Name?
Jason Statham’s character is filled with mystery

The Beekeeper is quite clearly Jason Statham’s John Wick copy, and one of the ways Adam Clay is similar to John Wick is the tease that this is not his real name. During the film, Statham’s character is asked if Adam Clay is his name, and he cheekily responds that this is his current identity at least. The implication is that Adam Clay is an alias and not the name Statham’s character was born with. If The Beekeeper 2 explores more of Adam’s backstory, answering the question of what his real name is could easily come.

4 Will Veronica Become A Beekeeper Next?
She could make a turn after The Beekeeper’s ending

The Beekeeper’s ending raises questions about the future of Veronica Parker (Emmy Raver-Lampman) as she lets Adam go. She has the opportunity to shoot him and follow the letter of law, but she decides to let him escape, responding positively to Adam’s earlier speech. This creates uncertainty about what Veronica will do from here, as she clearly is starting to believe that doing what she thinks is best could be better than doing what the law says is right. It is possible then that Veronica could become a Beekeeper and follow in Adam’s footsteps, possibly even becoming a recruit due to how well she tracked down the organization.

3 Does President Danforth Reveal The Truth About Derek?
She could cover up his death and bad deeds

Another potentially pivotal The Beekeeper unanswered question comes with what President Danforth (Jemma Redgrave) decides to do about Derek. She is appalled by the revelation that he used stolen money to fund her presidential campaign and says she will come clean once this is all over. However, that was before Derek killed a CIA agent and was then killed by Adam Clay. It would be easy for Danforth to cover up the events and blame it all on Adam, meaning she could protect her and her family’s reputation in the process.

2 Did Adam Clay End Derek’s Call Center Scam?
There could be other locations

The abrupt ending for The Beekeeper means that there is some uncertainty in the end about whether Derek’s call center scams have all been destroyed. The movie only shows Adam going to two locations and bringing them down. However, it is never confirmed that these are the only two places that were used for the money phishing scheme. If there are more call centers still left around, The Beekeeper 2 could see someone else right to power to utilize them, such as Wallace Westwyld (Jeremy Irons) and show Adam taking down the remaining spots.

1 Will Adam Clay Target President Danforth Next?
He could go for the queen next

The Beekeeper might have already signaled what the sequel’s story would be about, as Adam Clay could target President Danforth next. The movie talks about bees who are known as “queen killers” and how killing Derek was an opportunity for Adam to get rid of the queen’s problematic offspring. It’s unclear if killing President Danforth was ever part of Adam’s plan, but that could become the case if she makes an enemy out of him. If not, then The Beekeeper 2 will have to turn Adam Clay’s attention elsewhere.