The Expendables threw away its ideal Statham and Stallone substitute after introducing him ten years prior.

Following a disappointing fourth installment, the future of The Expendables movies seems less certain than ever, but the franchise may actually have wasted its best casting replacement back in 2014. After four movies, the combination of Jason Statham and Sylvester Stallone as the leading actors in the ensemble action franchise has run its course, with the pair’s appearance in the critically panned Expend4bles generally regarded as the nadir of the series. However, irrespective of whether further Expendables films follow, the saga actually had the ideal chance to reset thanks to one actor’s Expendables 3 involvement.

Although the Expendables series’ greatest strength has been its extensive ensemble, Jason Statham and Sylvester Stallone are widely acknowledged as the series’ main players. Not only have the duo been ever-present throughout the franchise, but Stallone co-wrote the series first three installments – with Statham receiving a producer credit for Expend4bles. However, the fourth movie’s critical and financial failure suggests that moving on from the pair represents the series’ best future. Unfortunately, one potentially inspired replacement is no longer a viable option.

Glen Powell’s Thorn Could Have Been The Expendables’ Replacement For Stallone & Statham

After first appearing in The Expendables 3, Glen Powell’s Thorn was ideally placed to serve as the series’ Stallone and Statham replacement. A charismatic combat veteran and hacker, Thorn formed part of the so-called “Young Expendables”, alongside the likes of Ronda Rousey’s Luna and Kellan Lutz’s John Smilee. After impressing the older members of the team, the new members were welcomed into the fold in The Expendables 3’s ending, potentially paving the way for their future franchise involvement. However, while any of the crew could have been a suitable Stallone and Statham replacement, Powell’s Thorn really stood out.

Despite not being a big name in 2014, Powell stole the show as the effervescent Thorn, utilizing his skills behind the scenes to bring down the antagonistic Stonebanks. His future career, especially his supporting role in Top Gun: Maverick, has further cemented Powell’s action credentials, while his starring role in Richard Linklater’s Hit Man confirmed that he has the potential to lead a major blockbuster. However, despite Powell’s clear prospects as a performer and Thorn’s status within the Expendables after The Expendables 3, the character did not return for The Expend4bles, wasting a major opportunity to finally move beyond Stallone and Statham.

The Expendables Franchise Has No Chance Of Bringing Back Glen Powell Now

Given how Powell’s star has risen since 2014, it’s easy to say in retrospect that the franchise missed a major opportunity. However, while some series might have an opportunity to correct such a mistake, it seems highly unlikely that The Expendables franchise will get a similar chance. Expend4bles was a major disappointment both critically and commercially, placing the series’ entire future in doubt. The movie made just $50 million against a $100 million budget, while scoring just 14% on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes.

The Expendables’ ailing reputation, coupled with Powell’s impressive career trajectory, all suggests that there is little chance of the actor fulfilling his potential as a Stallone/Statham replacement. Even if another movie gets made, which seems extremely uncertain given the negativity around the previous film, it’s fair to suggest that Powell has already outgrown the series. Had he been immediately recognized as a franchise lead post-Expendables 3, things could have been different. However, it’s increasingly clear that Powell’s ship has sailed.