There’s Already One Way To Beat The Beekeeper In Jason Statham’s Upcoming Action Film

The Beekeeper is the latest action movie under beloved actor Jason Statham’s belt, but with The Beekeeper’s box-office success, Statham’s next action movie is already poised to be even bigger. While there are many reasons The Beekeeper’s box-office success has been admirable, the biggest contribution stemming from the movie’s exceptional performance is that it assuages any doubts audiences may have had about Statham’s leading man status after the abysmal performance of Expendables 4. As such, Statham’s next action movie could continue the trend that The Beekeeper started.

Although many of Statham’s movies aren’t made with Academy Award sensibilities in mind, they’re typically fun, as the A-list actor has cultivated a self-aware personality behind his high-octane machismo that’s as fun to laugh at as it is convincing. As seen with the 2010 movie, The Expendables, Statham and action movie icon Sylvester Stallone are arguably one of the best action movie duos in recent memory, thus resulting in a resurgence in 1980s-style action thrillers. With Statham and Stallone working together on a new project, it could be better than The Expendables and The Beekeeper.

Sylvester Stallone’s Involvement In Levon’s Trade Can Make It Better Than The Beekeeper
Stallone has proven time and again to be a strong writer.

Based on Chuck Dixon’s Levon series, Levon’s Trade will see Statham as the titular Levon Cade, a former hitman who has since dedicated his life to his commitments as a father and construction worker. He finds himself pulled back into the criminal world after members of a shadowy criminal organization kidnap his former boss’s teenage daughter. While Levon’s Trade isn’t the most original-sounding movie, The Beekeeper director David Ayer and Sylvester Stallone’s direct involvement with Levon’s Trade strongly suggest the movie could become a surprise hit given the level of talent that’s involved.

Moreover, Stallone has already proven on more than one occasion that he is a skilled writer in the action genre, thus his involvement as the screenwriter for Levon’s Trade positions the movie to do exceptionally well. With classic movies like Rocky and Rocky II, First Blood, and The Expendables, Stallone has demonstrated his mastery of action and drama for decades. Furthermore, Stallone’s chemistry with Statham in The Expendables franchise implies that Levon’s Trade can really work as a standalone movie, if not the start of a new franchise.

Will Sylvester Stallone Cameo In Levon’s Trade Too?
Stallone and Staham’s successful professional relationship makes a cameo in Levon’s Trade possible.

Despite little details regarding Levon’s Trade being available, it is possible that Stallone could star in or even have a cameo appearance in Levon’s Trade, considering his involvement with the movie. With the success of The Expendables franchise overall, it isn’t a stretch to assume that Statham and Stallone have developed a good relationship behind the scenes that would leave the door open for the duo to continue working together on projects inside and outside the franchise. While The Beekeeper was purely a solo vehicle for Statham, it wouldn’t at all be surprising to see a Levon’s Trade appearance for Stallone given his history with Statham.