“Trying to Separate the Two”: Steph Curry, according to mom Sonya, follows his father’s lead to keep the family stable with Ayesha.

For any NBA star, a loss aches for days. It is a constant reminder of their shortcomings and it consumes them. That’s the reason mastering mental fortitude is vital. Every loss is a lesson and the next step is to look forward. But it is easier said than done. No player ever completely recovers from a loss on their own. They need some form of support either through an activity or people. For Stephen Curry, he recoups by compartmentalizing his work from his time with his family.

Sonya Curry, the mother of the NBA’s all-time three-point scorer, recently appeared beside Shaquille O’Neal’s mom Lucille in an episode of SWAY’S UNIVERSE. As they divulged into the topic of helping their sons deal with a loss, both have learned from their experiences. Sonya Curry has discovered that being present and merely enjoying the game as a fan is the best way to help her son.

Similarly, the Warriors legend has learned how to separate his work life from the time his father Dell Curry was in the NBA. “What Stephen and Seth both have told me is when I get home I am me. And he loves that because work is work. And I think about that now when we would tell him that’s your daddy’s work… now you can tell he is thinking about it but he is actively trying to separate the two and Seth does the same thing,” Sonya said on SWAY’S UNIVERSE.

The mother of three revealed that once both her sons are home, they spend precious time with their families. Stephen Curry too is a father of three children and adores every moment with them. Seth Curry also enjoys some form of entertainment with his three kids or, as Sonya admits, “he might watch more basketball”. However, both of them leave basketball on the court. As soon as they step into their homes, they assume their family responsibilities and like to stick away from NBA talk.

Even Stephen Curry isn’t perfect
Sonya Curry didn’t mention the vast lengths Stephen Curry goes to in making time for his family and being his best when he is in the confines of his home. But it is never as simple. Barely a year ago, the four-time champion was asked about balancing his pursuit for greatness on the NBA floor and being an ideal home man. “Is there a real such thing as balance?” he cross-questioned the hosts of The Shift.

As he spoke more in-depth about the subject, the Baby Face Assassin admitted he hasn’t always been the model example of balancing work with personal life. At times, the frustrations boil over when he is at home too, and it becomes inescapable. But it’s more about adapting and allowing those moments that help Curry stay level-headed and maintain his peace.

“I know we’re all in this room because we’re highly motivated, highly self-driven, want to be great at everything we do. And when you don’t hit those marks it becomes frustrating at times and you kind of have to pull back and give yourself grace to know that’s okay. Go back to the drawing room and figure out what changes you need to make,” said Stephen Curry.

Steph and Ayesha Curry are working individuals, and, yet seem to maintain a happy and loving camaraderie within their family. It isn’t because they have it all worked out, but rather that they have been learning gradually through the various events of life and finding the appropriate repairs for the same.