When Michael Jordan rebutted Kobe Bryant for saying the 2012 U.S. Team could beat the Dream Team: “To compare those two teams is not one of the smarter things he ever could have done”

Heading to the 2012 Olympics in London, the late Kobe Bryant claimed that the then-current version of the Dream Team would beat the original 1992 team.

When reporters told members of the Barcelona squad what the Black Mamba said, they disagreed with Kobe’s statement. However, perhaps the strongest reaction came from Bryant’s sensei, Michael Jordan, who laughed at his pupil’s statement and said there is no comparison between the two teams.

“For him to compare those two teams is not one of the smarter things he ever could have done,” MJ said.

Jordan said most of the Dream Team members were in their primes
Bryant commented while his 2012 Olympic team was still preparing for the London Games. To his credit, that team had an impressive cast, including him, LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Durant, Chris Paul, Russell Westbrook, James Harden, Anthony Davis, Kevin Love, Deron Williams, Tyson Chandler, and Andre Iguodala.

One of Bryant’s arguments was that the ’92 Dream Team was older and had players at the tail end of their careers while his 2012 unit had a “bunch of racehorses” eager to complete. However, Jordan disputed that by reminding Kobe that save for Magic and Bird, everyone was in the prime of their careers.

“Most of us were in the prime of our careers, at a point where athleticism doesn’t really matter,” added Jordan “You have to know how to play the game.”

Magic said only Kobe and LeBron would’ve made the Dream Team
Jordan’s 1992 Olympic teammate and Los Angeles Lakers legend, Magic Johnson, agreed with MJ on his take. Magic contended that Kobe’s squad could not beat the original Dream Team because they were not good enough to match up with them. According to Johnson, only Bryant and LeBron were sure to make the Dream Team if they were around in 1992.

“You have to say Kobe would definitely make it,” Johnson said. “He’s unbelievable. We’re so lucky and so fortunate we get a chance to watch Kobe play every single night here in L.A. LeBron is the best all-around player in the game, so he would definitely make our team. Kevin Durant would have a shot as well. You have two definitely in with Kobe and LeBron.”

Bryant later softened his stance and admitted that the Dream Team was better. However, he insisted they could’ve beaten them at least once. Jordan responded by saying that we will never really know who wins in a game between the two teams but reminded Kobe and the rest of the world that they learned from the Dream Team, not vice versa.